Other Ways to Say
300 synonyms for 50 common words
Level B1 / Intermediate and above
Do you keep using the same basic words in English?
That’s good. I like that. I’m very hungry.
Then this book is for you. Learn more advanced vocabulary!
Learn advanced vocabulary!
- increase your vocabulary, fluency and comprehension
- sound more natural
- get better results in English exams.
- 300 synonyms for 50 common words and phrases, such as interesting, happy, tired, expensive, eat, thank you and many more
- an example sentence for every new word and phrase
- extra information on the vocabulary – for example, whether it’s informal or formal
- exercises to practise all of the new vocabulary
- answers to the exercises.
What do readers think of the book?
“I purchased this fantastic book ! I highly recommend it to those who want to expand their vocabulary. The examples are practical and the exercises are vital to memorize the new words. Thanks Karen for your dedication.“
Angela, Learner
“I am writing to you to let you know that I purchased your last book about synonyms. I love it! It is a useful tool for every teacher!“
Terese, Teacher
“I could learn lots of new words and vocabulary with this book. I didn’t know most of them before. It was very useful. The exercises made it fun too. I recommend to anyone who learns English, to improve your level!“
Attila, Learner